plz REMIND me to REMIND u abt REMINDING me to send u this REMINDER that REMINDS me of REMINDING u that I am always UR good FRND.

This message to you, I just

This message to you,

I just had to send.

As you are someone who's

always so happy to lend,

so caring, sharing, loving,

such a wonderful friend.

I hope that our friendship,

will never ever end!

A true friend is not

A true friend is not the one who knows your mistake and jugde you,instead he/she helps you to survive the worst,lift you when you down,wipe your tears when no one can,gives you a shoulder to cry on when you need one.A friend aways tells the truth when i am wrong or right, if i'm lost a friend knows how to retrieve me.Friend can bear my insult that i'm not aware off.Friend can forgive if i've done wrong.A friend always loves my presence.Between there's no lies.deciet,cheating,betraying or backstaping.


flower need sunshine,violet need dew,all

flower need sunshine,violet need dew,all angelsin heaven know i need u. yrs may fly,tears may dry,butmy friendship with u will never die:)By jIyAFoR U!!!

Introduction is possible anytime,Love is

Introduction is possible anytime,Love is possible sometime.Marriage is possible one time,but asweet friend like u is possible once in a lifetime 

A friend scolds like dad,

A friend scolds like dad, cares like a mom, teases like a sis, irritates like a bro,FRIENDSHIP- the blend of all relation,U r my best friend, b my friend 4ever.

friendship cannot grow like a

friendship cannot grow like a tree ,but they grow in their if you know that you have a friend, then promote your friendship through mind to shw that you realy trust your friend. i trust you man 

If still night comes b4

If still night comes b4 morning,life comes bfr death,spring comes before winter.It means we r still friends.

people say we need maps

people say we need maps to find treasure but i proved them wrong cos without a map i found you.and you will be treasure me 4 ever

Love &friend r walking in

Love &friend r walking in village.

love falls into a well,why?

bocs love is blind.

frnd also jumps inside

y? frnd will do any thing

4love. revu4

Friendship is like a relation

Friendship is like a relation between the hand and eyes, its like when the hand gets hurt the eyes cries and when the eyes cries the hand wipes its tears.

1+1 = 2 my 2

1+1 = 2 my 2 eyes looking at U, 3+2 = 5 sense missing U,4+3 = 7days thinking of U, 5+7 = 12 months dreaming abt Ubut 99+1 = 100 years i need a sweet friend like U

One day Love asked friendship

One day Love asked friendship "Y R U in the world when i am here?

Friendshipsmiled and said "to spread smiles where u leave tears"

walk w/ me ven ur

walk w/ me ven ur heart needs company

talk 2 me ven u feel all alone

trust me ven ur heart beats more.

think of me venever u need a true frnd 

I wish i cud b

I wish i cud b a dove 2 brng u peace, a cupid 2 bring u luv,an angel 2 bring u a miracle.A ll i am is ur best friend, in the hope that it brings u happiness.