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Latest Birthday Sms Messages | Latest Birthday Text Messages | Latest Happy Birthday Sms Messages In Hindi | Latest Happy Birthday Sms Messages

 It's your birthday... and I'm thinking

It's your birthday...

and I'm thinking how glad I am

that you were born.

You have given me so much


 supported me, encouraged me

supported me, encouraged me,

cared for me; I didn't even need to ask.

I celebrate your wonderful self!

I am in awe of your boundless generosity,

your infinite kindness--that gentle inner glow

that you so freely use to warm my life.

Your birthday is as much a celebration for me

as it is for you, maybe more,

and I wish for you the best of birthdays,

the best one ever.

May each birthday be better than the last.

Most of all, I hope you will always be

As happy as you have made me.


 On your birthday I wish

On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy;

I hope all of your wishes come true.

May each hour and minute be filled with delight,

And your birthday be perfect for you!


 Each year your birthday reminds

Each year your birthday reminds me

That I really want to say

I'm very glad I know you;

I think of you each day.

I hope you enjoy your birthday,

All the pleasures it has in store,

And because I appreciate you,

I hope you have many more!


Contemplate your blessings

Instead of counting candles,

Or tallying the years,

Contemplate your blessings,

As your birthday nears.

Consider special people

Who love you, and who care,

And others who've enriched your life

Just by being there.

Think about the memories

Passing years can never mar,

Experiences great and small

That have made you who you are.

Another year is a happy gift,

So cut your cake, and say,

"Instead of counting birthdays,

I count blessings every day!"


 God gave a gift

God gave a gift to the world when you were born-

a person who loves, who cares,

who sees a person's need and fills it,

who encourages and lifts people up,

who spends energy on others

rather than herself,

someone who touches each life she enters,

and makes a difference in the world,

because ripples of kindness flow outward

as each person you have touched, touches others.

Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,

because you are a special treasure

for all that you've done.

May the love you have shown to others

return to you, multiplied.

I wish you the happiest of birthdays,

and many, many more,

so that others have time to appreciate you

as much as I do.


On your birthday

On your birthday,

I'm thinking about how much light and sparkle

you freely dispense wherever you go,

how your sunny smile lights up any gathering.

Every birthday marks another year

of you radiating positive, happy energy,

contagious happiness

that infects all who come in contact with you.

May your next birthday find you the same--

glowing from within,

beaming bright joy on everyone you meet.

I feel blessed to know you.


It's your birthday time again

It's your birthday time again;

It's true; there's no denying,

Another year has come and gone;

You know that I'm not lying.

So for you, the birthday person,

Here's what I want to say:

I hope this birthday's the best one yet,

In every delightful way.

So happy birthday to you.

Have lots of birthday fun!

May your birthday wishes all come true,

Even if you have a ton.


 On your birthday

On your birthday,

I wish for you the fulfillment

of all your fondest dreams.

I hope that for every candle

on your cake

you get a wonderful surprise.

I wish for you that

whatever you want most in life,

it comes to you,

just the way you imagined it,

or better.

I hope you get as much pleasure

from our friendship as I do.

I wish we were sisters,

so I could have known you

from the beginning.

I look forward to

enjoying our friendship

for many more of your birthdays.

I'm so glad you were born,

because you brighten my life

and fill it with joy.

Happy Birthday!


As we observe your birthday

As we observe your birthday now,

Your cake and gifts don't matter much.

These common things aren't really you,

Ribbons, paper hats and such.

We celebrate a person who

Brings happiness to everyone,

Someone who gives more than she gets,

And fills our lives with joy and fun.

So Happy Birthday, and many more!

We hope you make it to a hundred and two,

Because we cannot even dream

What life would be like without you


 It's your first birthday, baby

It's your first birthday, baby,

One candle on your cake;

Proud parents stare in wonder

At each new move you make.

We join in celebration,

As this special date arrives,

For baby has brought pleasure

Into all our lives.

We look forward now to seeing

How you progress and grow,

From the cute and tiny infant

You were one year ago.

So dig into your icing;

Enjoy your presents, too.

The reason for this day

Is a special person--you!


So you are finally fifty; Happy

So you are finally fifty;

Happy birthday on the big Five-Oh.

I guess you could fill a great big book

With everything you know.

A whole half century of living

Is nothing to sneeze about,

So if you're a little patched and worn,

Don't you dare frown or pout.

Ignore things that make you feel old;

It's really great to be fifty.

You're smart, attractive and good company,

And I still think you're nifty!


Another year has come

Another year has come and gone,

The sands of time keep trickling away.

Your birthday reminds me to let you know

I'm thankful for you each and every day.


Congratulations to you, my old friend

Congratulations to you, my old friend,

Birthday wishes to you, I do send.

You look good for your age, I could say,

But you look good to me any day.

When I look in the mirror, I sigh,

'Cause I know the mirror doesn't lie.

You're aging like me, so you surely can see

That you're getting to be an old guy.

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