If you were my valentine I'd

If you were my valentine

I'd search the endless skies

to find the perfect starlight

that would compliment your eyes

and keep it in a wishing well

created just for you

and filled with my desires

to make all your dreams come true

if you were my valentine

I'd find the softest rose

to gently brush against

those sweetest lips, the angels chose

my heart is like a flower

craving for your morning kiss

mere words cannot pay homage

to a passion such as this

if you were my valentine

I'd treasure every day

the arms that open to me

and the tender words you say

I can't imagine dreaming

of another soul so sweet

for, if your were my valentine

my life would be complete...

!!..LOVE..!! L:- Love With All The


L:- Love With All The Herat

o:- Overcome Probleams To Gother

v:- Value Evrething You Share

e:- Encourage Each Other

I have searched my heart For

I have searched my heart

For the words to say just how much u mean to me

You are all of God's Blessings rolled into one.

My dreams,My desires,My evening,My sun.

My evening walking moment, my hopes and my fears,

My disillusion,My contentment,My joy nd My tears.

But most important of all, I thank God when i pray bcoz

u make every moment MY VALENTINE DAY.

U r unique U r caring

U r unique

U r caring &

U r the best….

N I’m d luckiest to

Have U in my life!


Hi baby u know when

Hi baby u know when i say 'i miss u' it,s alwayes old one for me, but when u say 'i love u...' really darling it,s alwayes new for me.