Everytime you admire the wonderful

Everytime you admire the wonderful things GOD has made, remember u r one of them, wonderful inside & out. U r blessed! U r special and u r loved. I love u.

I feel something in my

I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, Because I LOVE YOU!

1 + 1 is two

1 + 1 is two and ya its true that I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE never says who ru

LOVE never says who ru b/c love knows u r mine,love never asks where do u live b/c love knows u live inmy heart,Love never says what do u do b/c love knows u play with emotions,love never asks do u love me b/c love knows "I LOVE U"

1+1= 2eyes "LOOK AT U" 5+1=

1+1= 2eyes "LOOK AT U"


12+12= 24 Hours "THINKING ABOUT U"

3+4= 7 Days "MISSING" Copyright www.lovelysms.com

11+1= 12 Month "NEED A SWEET HEART LIKE U"

sweety,have u heard news broadcasted

sweety,have u heard news broadcasted by geo,ptv,bbc,ary? no?realy, ok i will let u know, all tv chanels has broadcasted that person having cell# --(urs)--his heart has been stolen 

i want ur sweet smile i

i want ur sweet smile

i want to smell ur sweats

i want to breathe ur feels

i want to hear ur sweet name always

i want to hold u in my arms

to make u mine

i want u inside my heart

thats where i feel u will be safe..

be mine always

and u shud be mine

becoz Copyright www.lovelysms.com


Somebody is thinking of you. Somebody

Somebody is thinking of you.

Somebody is caring about you.

Somebody misses you.

Somebody wants to talk to you.

Somebody is very proud of you.

bring my sms papers messages are thinking about uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu