In my life i've travelled

In my life i've travelled many roads some i regret passing but i will never forget the one i met you cause thats

when my life became hole.

Luv not one, Luv not

Luv not one, Luv not two Luv d one who luvs u true

Luv not three, Luv not four Luv d one who luvs u more

Luv not five, Luv not six Luv d one who really sticks(Copyright

Luv not seven, Luv not eight Luv d ne who really waits...

Simple bye makes us cry;

Simple bye makes us cry; Simple joke makes us laugh; Simple care makes us fall in love; Simple touch makes

us feel better but I hope my simple SMS makes you smile!--.

U know the relationship between

U know the relationship between SMILE & Ur FACE, Ur face looks good when it has SMILE on it but SMILE

looks better when it is on Ur Face.

I try to take away

I try to take away the pain by finding some31 new, bt then i came 2 realize no one coeds 2 u and even f i

look around pretending not 2 cry.i'll always go back the day u finally said goodbye.

Loving sum1 hu doesn't luv

Loving sum1 hu doesn't luv you is like watching a star u know?!?!? uc an never reach u jz hv 2 keep on

trying.why not?!??! stars can fall right?!?!? .

I thought that when i

I thought that when i tried to stay away i'd learn to let you go and 4get bt iwas wrong.the more i stayed

away from u the more i realized how much i care for u

Im here trying 2 make

Im here trying 2 make a fool out of myself pretending i like some1 new.showing every1 i don't care about u.,

but f u only knew what iam going thru d's heart aweiz longs 4 u.

In this world there are

In this world there are people who are special to you! i may not be one of those special people but, special

or not, i always have a special place for you in my heart!

 i cant tell u i

i cant tell u i love u.i cant tell u my filings, bt i know their really there.i cant tell i want u coz i want u 2 stay

.f i tellu my emotions, you might go away

True meaning of love... if

True meaning of love... if its bcoz of his eyes or his lips or great body,its not lust! if its bec of his

inteligence or insyt about life,its not love, its admiration! if its bec he cries evertym u try to leave, its not

love .. its pity! if its bec he makes u 4get to study and sleep, its not love..its infatuation! love is when u do

not know y u sim 2 b attractd 2 a has its rison...and dat reason is unknown!

Dedicate time to enjoy, it's

Dedicate time to enjoy, it's the secret of youth. Dedicate time for friends, it's the path to happiness.

Dedicate time to luv n b loved, it's source of joy n satisfaction 

As I watched the ants

As I watched the ants crawl up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they r, they still communicate

with each other. Hope we'll be like them, in touch always.


SOMETIMES we mUst be HURTin order to GROW FAIL in order to KNOWLOSE in order to GAIN & SOMETIMES

wE havE to be B R O K E N so we can be WHOLE again!

There is no special occasion

There is no special occasion today,

no reason to text,

no news to share,

and no problems to air.

It's just one of those times I wish to say


I have liked many but

I have liked many but loved one,yet no-one has been as sweet as u.I'd stand and wait in the worlds longest

queue, just for the pleasure of a moment with u.Love you.

False people are are like STONES they

False people are

are like

STONES they are



True people

are like


they are REAR!!!



New style of proposing a

New style of proposing a girl..

I hv spent many sleepless nites in ur luv n i dnt want my son 2 do d same 4 ur daughter. So lets mk them

brother n sister.

If I could have just

If I could have just one wish,

I would wish to wake up everyday

to the sound of your breath on my neck,

the warmth of your lips on my cheek,

the touch of your fingers on my skin,

and the feel of your heart beating with mine...

Knowing that I could never find that feeling

with anyone other than you.

My love, I have tried

My love, I have tried with all my being

to grasp a form comparable to thine own,

but nothing seems worthy;

I know now why Shakespeare could not

compare his love to a summer's day.

It would be a crime to denounce the beauty

of such a creature as thee,

to simply cast away the precision

God had placed in forging you.

Each facet of your being

whether it physical or spiritual

is an ensnarement

from which there is no release.

But I do not wish release.

I wish to stay entrapped forever.

With you for all eternity.

A special world for you

A special world for you and me

A special bond one cannot see

It wraps us up in its cocoon

And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold

Gently nestling us to the fold

Like silken thread it holds us fast

Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break

A new one forms in its wake

To bind us closer and keep us strong

easiest way to die 1-have a

easiest way to die

1-have a cigrate daily.

u die 10year early.

2-have drink daily.

u die 30 years early.

3-But love some1 realy u'll 

U r de BOLD &

U r de BOLD & i'm de BEAUTIFUL, we r 2geda 4 de DAYS OF OUR LIVES thru BACKSTAGE 2 de next


To be disturbed by the

To be disturbed by the beep of a phone only means that somehow, somewhere, somebody is thinking of u at

this very moment...That's Me

A sparrow was in love

A sparrow was in love with white rose.(Copyright

one day the sparrow proposed to da white rose.the white rose told her that wen he turns red he"ll love her.

sparrow tore her body and slowly spread her blood on the white rose.the rose turned red and fell in love but

the sparrow was no more alive.