There is alwayz a reason

There is alwayz a reason 4 evrthin

A reason 2 live,

a reason 2 die,

a reason 2 cry,

but if u cant find

a reason to smile,

can i b da reasn 4 a while?

When u feel lonely, press

When u feel lonely, press ____ (first four letters of ur cell no).

If U miss me, press __ (next 2 digits),

want a smile, press __ (next 2 digits),

need encouragement, press __ (next 2 digits),

press them all together and U can hear me!

When u need Someone to

When u need Someone to b beside U and no One is around,

Just Gaze up in the Sky, U mite not c me, but b sure dat V r under the same sky....

u r as sweet as

u r as sweet as bailey as strong as tequila as warm as cognac as

exotic as malibu as heady as a cocktail & as special as as a champagne. i

am simply drunk on U

They learned me that one

They learned me that one hours equals 60 minutes and that one minute equals 60 seconds, but they never told me that one second without you can last for ever!

If you were a tear

If you were a tear in my eyes, I would never dare to cry. I might lose you !

If i could be any

If i could be any part of U Id be ur tear,To be conceived in ur heart born in ur eyes... Live on ur cheeks and die on ur lips.....

Love knows no reasons love

Love knows no reasons love knows no lies,love defies all reasons love has no eyes... But love is not blind,Love sees all but doesnt mind.....

TherE r many stars buT

TherE r many stars buT thE m@oN is u.

Tehre r many frend$ buT thE SWEET one is u.

To forget me is n@w up t@ u.

T@ forget u is something i will never ever do...

Ur words r ANTIBIOTICS, Ur smile


Ur smile is ANALGESIC,


Ur presence is ANTISEPTIC,


That's why I never fall ill :-)

Take My Eyes but let

Take My Eyes but let me c u.Take my mind but let me think about u.Take my hand but let me touch u.But if u want to take my heart, its already with U 

wen a guy tellz u

wen a guy tellz u that he luvz u from the bottom of his heart b careful 4 this may mean dat.......!!!!!!........ he has enuf space 4 another girl on the top of his heart!!!!!

 Love has its ups and

Love has its ups and downs, its twists and turns. Love leaves you pain, teaches u until you learn and even if love takes so long, it always takes you to where you belong

 U say u love me

U say u love me & want 2 hold me tight,

Those words run thru my head day & night,

I dreamt u held me & made me see,

That Forever together we would be!

I've got ur back n

I've got ur back n u've got mine,

I'll help u out anytime.

2 see u hurt, 2 see u cry,

Makes me weep n wanna die.

I'll b right here, till the end,

Coz ur my Love& My Best friend