CLassic words of frndshp B

CLassic words of frndshp

B wat u R n say wat u feel,

cuz those who mind dnt matter,

n those who matter dnt mind....

Wats d true meanin of

Wats d true meanin of frndshp?

wher ther r no compromise in tellin secrets,

n der is no secret for which u need compromise...

2 golden phrases os frndship:->

2 golden phrases os frndship:->

" NVR belive d doubtd one" n

"NVR doubt d belivd one"

that retains frndshp for a longr tym.

wat is frndshp? u fight

wat is frndshp? u fight abt d

smallest things in lyf wen u r

2gethr n miss those very smallest things

wen u r torn apart by tym....

My mind DETECTED, My


My soul REACTED,

My heart ACCEPTED,

thousands wer REJECTED,

but u wer selected to b my

cho........chweet frnd.....

My Frndshp is Lyk a

My Frndshp is Lyk a Drug, 1ce u take it u cant avoid it,

wen u dnt get it u r sick,

n wen u loose it u r destryd,

So beware of me n b my frnd 4evr....

Wen Things go bad n

Wen Things go bad n

ur strnth is not more enough 2 carry on,

Dnt giv up cuz,

wher ur strngth ends,

my worth of being ur frnd begins...

Lips Dnt join Wen we

Lips Dnt join Wen we say LOVE,

That is a sign of distance,

But wen we say FRNDSHP lips join,

Tha is a sign of TOGETHRNESS...

Ice is Cream, Love is

Ice is Cream, Love is Dream..

But Friendship is Evergreen..

Dont make frnds b4 Understandin..

Dont break Frndship Aftr Misundrstndin..

a Match stick Glows 4

a Match stick Glows 4 few swcs.

a candle glows 4 few hours.,

a Sun glows 4 a day.,

but our relation will glow 4vevr,.

whthr v'll b ther or not....

Silent and Listen are two

Silent and Listen are two words made of same Alphabets,but there is another speciality.....

i can Listen to you, when u r

Silent.....that is friendship....:)

wat is lyf? wat u

wat is lyf? wat u make it to be..

wat is hapiness? wat ur heart sees..

wat is love? precious if true...

wat is frndshp? nothing without u.. sachme..

Best frnds r lyk a

Best frnds r lyk a pair of scissors,

joint togthr, often go in opp dirctions,

But they giv punishment to those who

come between them.......

Try 2 read this slowly:->

Try 2 read this slowly:->

U r queue tea, loaf lee,

grey ate, horn nest, at track thief,

cheer fool, soup ear be, & u r my

most press yes frnd!!!!!

Gate of memories wil nvr

Gate of memories wil nvr close,

How much v miss our frnds,

no one knws,

Tym in days wil pass lyk years,

v'll remember d memories in silent tears...

FriendShip si the RainBow between

FriendShip si the RainBow between two hearts, sharing 7 feelings

Love + Sad + Happy + Truth + Faith + Secret + Helping = FriendShip 

Wat u see as truth

Wat u see as truth that u see as lies remember that true friendship never dies although we may change and drift apart, I'll always value u deep within my heart.