Sometimes its dumb to be

Sometimes its dumb to be wise and sometimes its wise to be dumb. but more often than not, we are the

opposite of what it is wise to be.


 Life is made of small

Life is made of small jumps over great obstacles. it's in the courage of getting thru them that makes life

challenging & exciting.Copyright


Each moment of ur life

Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And which ull never see again so enjoy &

live life & make each moment beautiful....


Pushing things to happen before

Pushing things to happen before their time is a futile and disturbing is like trying to change the

flow of a river single-handed.

A negative thinker see a

A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity,A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty,wish u an optimistic life..


 the greatest right in the

the greatest right in the world is not right to be right but right to be wrong!mistakes are there to be corrected!by the way,it is not the end of the world.Copyright


Full Name: Remza

Mobile: 0762341415

 You alone can shape ue

You alone can shape ue destiny and decide to do wht u enjoy,regardless of obtacles. The great barrier to success is yourself.snow 

Love doesnt get closer by

Love doesnt get closer by meeting but is sweetend by thought,i care 4 u in my own strong ways,u'll never know & perhaps i ll never show.

Trouble is a part of

Trouble is a part of your life and if you don't share it, you don't give the person who love you love a chance to love you enough

A Person Who Asks A

A Person Who Asks A Question Is A Fool For Five Minutes.

A Person Who Doesn't Is A Fool Forever ! ֧

 Intelligence is like a river. The

Intelligence is like a river.

The deeper it is the less noise it makes! ֧

 Yesterday is history tomorrow is

Yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery.

Today is a gift that is why we call it the present! ֧

I m hopefull that if

I m hopefull that if we understand the aims and acts accordingly,

even the angels would surely appreciate our creation, once again.

Keep the gains of the

Keep the gains of the post generation safely and pass them to our

future generation with useful addition by using best of our knowledge

and caliber. 

The people who dont study

The people who dont study have very less things to think upon.

Always love books. Bcoz books r best friends in loneliness. 

 Learn frm a candle. which

Learn frm a candle. which burn itself 4 lightening the

others way. Live in such a way that even u die but always alive

in the gr8 memories of others.

Success is only possible with

Success is only possible with hardwork and clear thinking

not by thoughts or desire.

Try to avoid bad friends

Try to avoid bad friends bcoz they make theirselves ur introduction

 Think before u speak but

Think before u speak but not as much that u loose the time of speaking. 

 Try to hide bad qualities

Try to hide bad qualities of others. ALLAH will hide urs in the day

of judgement

 Friends r like mirror. Ur

Friends r like mirror. Ur Friends shows what and how u r. 

Loving humanity is actually loving

Loving humanity is actually loving GOD.

 Give importance to time, the

Give importance to time, the time will give importance to u.

Action without vision is only

Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world! ֧1

 The thing that weighs most

The thing that weighs most heavily in the balance (of good deeds) is a good attitude.



1 day child fish ask

1 day child fish ask da mother fish:Mom y we cant live on Earth ......Da Mother fish said 2 her child fish:Dear ....its

not a place 4 fish...its a place of selfish...

 Thoughts lead on to purpose;

Thoughts lead on to purpose; purpose leads into actions; actions form habits; habits decide character; and

character fixes our destiny.

Remeber the way of least

Remeber the way of least resistence rarely lead to SUCCESS!!!

Don't only be close with

Don't only be close with someone who

makes you happy. Be close with someone

who can't be happy without

makes a lot of difference in life.

 Watch ur thoughts, dey bcom

Watch ur thoughts, dey bcom words

Watch ur words,dey bcom actions

Watch ur actions,dey bcom habits

Watch ur habits,dey bcom character

Watch ur character,It bcoms your destiny

Life is too short to

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about

the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. Know a good thing when you see it,

and don't let it slip away. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be

easy, they just said it would be worth it.

Believe while others doubt. Work

Believe while others doubt. Work while others wish. Save while others waste. Persevere while others quit.

Pray and stay while others stray! Dare to be different!

 If a man meets with

If a man meets with injustice, it is not required that he shall not be roused to meet it; but if he is angry

after he has had time to think upon it, that is sinful. The flame is not wring, but the coals are

 When time comes for u

When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone, make sure u select someone who will never break ur

heart, cuz broken hearts has never spare parts.

Success is like tip of

Success is like tip of the tail !!!If cat runs to catch the tail.It has to keep running forever.But if it walks in its

own style.Tail follows!!Live life with ur own rules

Don't spoil what U have

Don't spoil what U have by desiring what U don't have coz what U have now is one of the many things U

once desired for. Good Day!

 Each moment of our lilife

Each moment of our lilife is a picture which you had never seen before.And which will never see again. So enjoy and live life and make each moment beautiful.

 It is easy to enclose

It is easy to enclose the sea in drop but it is rather tough to control the people's tongue. Don't bother about people they are here to talk and not to solve or share sorrows and grieves... 2)

If you don't respect yourself

If you don't respect yourself how can you expect others to respect you so always give respect to yourself. Take Care and Be Happy.. 

people don't care how much

people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care...

 Don't expect anything from life,

Don't expect anything from life, expectations hurt. When u don't expect, every moment is a surprise &

surprise brings happiness with it. Gud Day!

 Don't just say "I LOVE

Don't just say "I LOVE YOU" to someone if you really don't love the person, because sometimes it may hurt people!

 how people fine time to

how people fine time to hate when life is too short to love

Don't expect anything from life,

Don't expect anything from life, expectations hurt. When u don't expect, every moment is a surprise & surprise brings happiness with it. Gud Day

 To make our way, we must

To make our way,

we must have firm resolve,

persistence, tenacity.

We must gear ourselves

to work hard all the way.

We can never let up

 Always REMEMBER to 4GET those

Always REMEMBER to 4GET those things that make u sad

But nvr FORGET to REMEMBERthose things that make u glad. :)

Time is like a river..

Time is like a river.. U can't touch the same water twice, bcoz the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of your life. 

THE greatest gift u can

THE greatest gift u can give to someone is your TIME ........ b'coz when u give someone ur TIME , u have given them a portion of ur life that u'll never get back

so plz care for ur time which is utmost costly


Some joys are better explained

Some joys are better explained in silence, as a smile gets more audible than laughter. I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with you. I just smiled