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Friends r like STREET-LIGHTS along

Friends r like STREET-LIGHTS along d road.They dont make d distance any shorter,but they LIGHT UP d path and make d walk worthwhile !!!! GUD MORNING 

When i was walking alone,

When i was walking alone, I wished that i can reach da end of da road.. But when u r walking with me, I wish the road never ends..

"Few Relations In Earth Never

"Few Relations In Earth Never Die"

Want 2 know what is it?


Read it Again........................

(F): Few

(R): Relations

(I): In

(E): Earth

(N): Never

(D): Die

Friendship is like a precious

Friendship is like a precious flower

Ready to bloom every hour.

It may stop growing

or keep on flowing

But you"ll still have it forever." 

"Met you as a stranger Took

"Met you as a stranger

Took you as a friend

Hope we meet in Heaven

where friendship never ends."

Friendship sms' If u need a

Friendship sms'

If u need a friend and there r hundred steps between us,

Get 1 step to take near me, and i will take 99 steps to b there for u...

"Friendship" is not collection of

"Friendship" is not collection of "Herats"

but it is selection of "Hearts"

All "Friends" r not true,

But True "Friends" r very few!

" I Miss U So Much "

Full Name:

Days r too busy,

Hours r too fast,

Sec r too few,

But there's always time for me..

To remember a nice friend like u.

Full Name:

Heart is like a crystal preserve it,

Love is like a perfume spread it,

Feelings are like flood flow it,

Friendship is like umbrella come lets share it.

Full Name: mcebi As long

Full Name: mcebi

As long as we have memories, yesterday remains;

As long as we have memories, yesterday remains; as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have Friendship, each day is never a waste.

Friendship is d ship which

Friendship is d ship which has no specific destination. It is an unending voyage. Let r friendship sail smoothly thru d path of difficulties, sorrows n sadness.

Life is the start, death

Life is the start, death is the end but when I die u'll not cry my friend coz whatever happens our friendship would never end. Friends forever....

1.Friends are like shoes,some loose

1.Friends are like shoes,some loose some tight,some fit just right and they help us as we walk through life.Thanks for being just right for me!

When a friend needs your

When a friend needs your love, show him you care. If he needs attention, let him know you are there. Be ready to help him when his load becomes hard to bear...

2.Ice is a cream,luv is

2.Ice is a cream,luv is dream but r friendship is evergreen.Don't make friends before understanding & don't break a friendship after misunderstanding. 

3.Wonderful people r carefully created

3.Wonderful people r carefully created by God wonderful moments are carefully planned by God,woderful Friends like you are carefully gifted by God.

4.It's good to have money

4.It's good to have money & the things it can buy but it's also good to check once in a while & make sure u haven't lost the things money cnt buy...FRIENDS!

5.Some joys are better explaind

5.Some joys are better explaind in silence,as a smile gets more audible than laughter.I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with you.I just smiled.

6.Whenever I look at my

6.Whenever I look at my palm,I wonder which of those tiny cute crisscross lines made me so lucky to have a sweet & nice friend like u.

7.We smile at whome we

7.We smile at whome we like,we cry for whome we care,we laugh with whome we njoy & we become angry with whome we feel is our own.That's Friendship,that's luv.

8.Medichines and friendship cure our

8.Medichines and friendship cure our problems.The only differance is that friendships don't have an expiry date.

9.Good friends care for each

9.Good friends care for each other.Close friends understand each other.And true Friends stay forever beyonds words,beyond time.

My friendship is not like

My friendship is not like moon, not like sun, not like stars,bcoz all of these disappear at time.My friendship is like a sky which is always watching u & informing me.

if u find a friend

if u find a friend better or sweter than me, go ahead, i wont stop u but when that friend leaves u, just look behind & i"ll b there, ready 2 say 'welcome my friend'...{think about it, this is true} specially 4

When clouds breaks rain fall.

When clouds breaks rain fall. When coconut breaks water falls. When love breaks tears falls. But wen friendshp breaks life falls completly So never break friendship .... 

 Many a times you want

Many a times you want someone,

Maybe I am the one,

Whose company always relish.

and friendship you will always cherish

Friendship is the hardest thing

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain.

It is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't

learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't

learned anything.

Its just a beep heard

Its just a beep heard by you ear. but if you listen closely with ur heart, then u will hear the message loud and clear: "you've always got a friend in here"

Oh my dear friend you

Oh my dear friend you are too good to be real but you were right there i wish u were here.......

gudnite bby... love u...

I may go bankrupt &

I may go bankrupt & liquidated deficient yet insolvent still i would be happy because in my partnership with life i acquired a goodwill that will never be amortized & thats the friendship i've loan from you.

Friendship is a sim which

Friendship is a sim which has no activation charges, free incoming and outgoing with roaming allover the world & its validity never ends.

when thing go bad and

when thing go bad and ur strength is no longer enuf 2 carry on.. dont give up coz wen ur strength ends, my worth of being a friend begins

Make a heart which never

Make a heart which never breaks,

Make a smile which never hurts,

Make a touch which never pains,

Make a friendship which never ends.

Frindship opens many doors each

Frindship opens many doors each with a different view

But none could be more beautiful view than the door that leads to u.

Be slow in choosing a

Be slow in choosing a friend & slower while loosing them

Bcoz friendship is not an opportunity its a sweet rsponsibility.

What makes a friend? A friend What

What makes a friend?

A friend

What makes a friend?

A friend

Is someone that everyone needs

A friend

Is that special one

A friend

Is someone you tell EVERYTHING

A friend

Is someone you never lie to

A friend

Can be a boy or a girl

A friend

Is someone that is always their

A friend

Will always listen to you

A friend

Always has input to give

A friend

Will never leave you in the dust

A friend

Will help you through the thick and the thin

A friend

Will always stand by your side

A friend

Will never let you down

A friend

Is someone everyone needs

What would you do if you didnt have a friend?

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